What Exercises are Suitable for Those Who Want to Lose Thigh Fat?

What Exercises are Suitable for Those Who Want to Lose Thigh Fat? - Cambivo
Most men look forward to having stronger thighs, especially those with fatty ones. Stronger thighs allow you to run faster, have better stability, and jump higher. One of the best ways to accomplish this is through aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
People do several exercises that target a specific part of their bodies. Similarly, there are exercises that focus on your thighs. They allow you to shape, tone , and strengthen your thigh muscles. That said, have you been wondering how to lose thigh fat men? Well, here are a couple of exercises that can help.

aerobic exercises warm up


Side lunge

Side lunges are quite effective when it comes to losing thigh fat. However, you have to do them properly if you want to cut some aft. Here's how to go about side lunges.
With your feet together, stand tall. For added resistance, hold a dumbbell to your chest. Step out with your right leg and bend your right knee to send your hips back. During the descent, your knee should not extend beyond your toes by more than 2 inches, and your knee should be aligned between your second and third toes.
Return to a standing position by pushing off with your right leg. To complete 1 rep, repeat on the left leg. Perform two sets of 12–15 reps each.


Sumo squats

Alternatively, you can do sumo squats. They are proven exercises on how to lose thigh fat in men.
Set your feet wide apart and turn your toes out to about 10 and two o'clock positions. For added resistance, hold a dumbbell.
As you bend your knees, keep your chest up high and your knees pointed out over your toes. Squeeze your glutes, abs, and inner thighs as you rise from the sumo squat. Perform two sets of 12–15 reps each.

Sumo squats


Walking up and down the stairs

As simple as they may seem, stairs are quite handy in helping men lose thigh fat. Trainers advise people to run on a set of stairs if they wish to tone their thigh muscles effectively. Running up the stairs promotes the utilization of your thigh muscles.
It helps burn calories significantly. Stairs make this possible because each step requires you to lift your body upwards. Consequently, this action causes your leg muscles to fire. It would help if you tried running on a set of stairs for at least 10 minutes each day to achieve desired results.

Walking up and down the stairs



As the name suggests, this exercise mainly involves using your legs. Here's how to go about it effectively.
It would be best if you put your feet together when standing. Ensure the knees are slightly flexed and abs engaged. To hop to your left, push off with your right leg, allowing yourself to leave the floor.
While landing on your left leg, cross your right leg behind you in a small curtsy lunge with your hips hinged forward. To complete the 1st full rep, return to the right side with a small hop.



Curtsy lunge

You can do several lunges to help you lose thigh fat, and curtsy lunges are some of the most helpful.
Stand tall and ensure your feet are together. Next, you need to squeeze your inner thighs by stepping your right leg behind your left. Do this while bending and pulling both knees slightly toward the midline.
To boost the intensity and balance challenge, tap your right foot or lift the knee as you stand to exit the curtsy lunge. Do 10–12 reps on the right side. Repeat the same on your left side, then do another set on each side.

Curtsy lunge


Side-lying adduction

Looking for aerobic exercises that'll help you lose thigh fat? You should also try side-lying adduction. Here's how to go about this exercise.
Get on the floor and lie down with your top leg bent and dropped forward, and if necessary, support your top leg with a yoga block or a pillow. Ensure to extend your bottom leg as much as possible. As you raise and lower your bottom leg, keep your hips stacked and your abdominals engaged.
Do 15–20 reps on one side, then switch to the other and repeat. Perform two sets on each side. After doing this severally, you'll notice a significant change.